Sunday, September 03, 2006

If You Only Read One Thing Today, Read This: James Wolcott: Five Minutes to Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

James Wolcott: Five Minutes to Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: "What we're hearing from pundits, bloggers, and likeminded belligerents this August is a baying to a false God, a nostalgic need for motivational clarity and a macho yearning for deliverance that the facts on the ground will deny them. Their commando belts tied up in knots, their umbrellas unfolded, they can turn on Bush, or on Condi Rice (as Richard Perle has done), but who can they turn to? Nobody. That's why they're egging each other on, flexing their biceps, and clinging to Mark Steyn for warmth. It's the only way to hold on to their fading relevance. "


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